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o Cheque (payable to: Franceen Neufeld)
o Cash (mail to: 57 Foster Street, Box 2012, Perth, ON, K7H 1R9, Canada)
Your contributions are greatly appreciated, ensuring that the Suffering Eyes Project can be a source of ongoing funds for farmed animal sanctuaries. Visit our News page for updates, or find out how you can sponsor a sanctuary.o Cheque (payable to: Franceen Neufeld)
o Cash (mail to: 57 Foster Street, Box 2012, Perth, ON, K7H 1R9, Canada)
"Working to alleviate animal suffering, providing sanctuaries of rescue and healing for them - this is not charity. The ongoing history of our abusive relationship with animals has left us with a debt we can never repay, and a guilt for which we can never atone. Anything we do for them is less than they deserve from us, and less than we owe."
- Franceen Neufeld, Suffering Eyes, 152.