"I was dog earing every page!"
- Twyla Francois
Mercy For Animals (Canada)
"I became transfixed."
- Ingrid Newkirk
- Twyla Francois
Mercy For Animals (Canada)
"I became transfixed."
- Ingrid Newkirk
"It has affected me profoundly."
- Philip Wollen
The Kindness Trust (Australia)
"Every page stops me in my tracks.
I can't recommend this book enough."
The Kindness Trust (Australia)
"Every page stops me in my tracks.
I can't recommend this book enough."
- Jo-Anne McArthur
We Animals (Canada)
We Animals (Canada)
“[Suffering Eyes]
carries explosive emotional power. Animal activists will find the book
of immense value as a resource. Its vivid, unsparing examples will help
them illustrate their concerns to a public that would often like to look
the other way.”
- Gracia Fay Ellwood, The Peaceable Table (USA)
“Suffering Eyes: A Chronicle of Awakening written by Franceen Neufeld is a heart, soul and mind opening book that helps the reader awaken their empathy to the suffering of all creatures. A must read for all those who care about others and for those who have hardened their hearts to the plight of those exploited. I highly recommend it!”
- Lorena Mucke, Christian Vegetarian Association (USA)
“[Suffering Eyes] seems to me a wonderful and original way of applying the theologia crucis to the extrahuman creation. You have amplified for me the grand Pauline statement that 'the whole creation groans'. I congratulate you on the publication of this beautiful book. I hope that it will reach a wide public and will help to alert people to the cavalier way in which our species treats its fellow-creatures.”
- Douglas John Hall, theologian (Canada)
“The author has put together such an honest, heartbreaking, reflective and enlightening biography... which left me unprepared for the journey I was about to embark upon. You don’t have to be an animal lover to relate to this book ~ you only have to have a heart and a mind and a soul.”
- Rev. Paula T. Webb, Animal Ministry Institute (USA)
“The book is full of nourishment, like eating a really good meal: full and full aware. It needs to be read with a certain level of respect and reverence I think. Thank you for your work. It is safe and guarded with me.”
- Hanna van Dijk, reader (Canada)
“Holy cow, I just finished reading Suffering Eyes and I am convinced that EVERYONE needs to read it! What an emotional, beautiful, truthful, soulful book. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of animals - even the human ones!”
- Bryan Gillette, Full Circle Farm Sanctuary (USA)
“I have never read anything that speaks to my heart and to my pain like your words do.”
- Anna Molls, reader (USA)